Jade, age 16, was a young woman living in a group home who loved creative writing, octopods, and protecting those younger or smaller than her. She participated in the Free Arts Weekly Mentor Program and stated: “This weekly program is something that I always look forward to, like when I’m stressed with school and caught up in schoolwork. Free Arts helps me relax and be reminded to appreciate the little things. It is something I could use every day. A reminder, that life is beautiful, and art will always be something that makes me feel alive and sometimes I can get caught in the dull cycle that is a part of life. Thank you for reminding me.”
Your generosity to Free Arts has an instant impact on children, like Jade, who are working to turn their trauma into resilience through Free Arts programs. Your participation in the Seeds of Hope monthly giving program will build upon the foundation of Free Arts and will provide a constant stream of funding for Free Arts ensuring that programs like the one Jade participated in can run all year round.
Each year, Free Arts aims to deepen the impact of our programs and expand our services to even more children who have experienced the trauma of abuse, neglect, and homelessness. Your consistent contribution supports these efforts and transforms the lives of children every month.
For as little as $5 a month, you can become a Seeds of Hope Monthly Donor at any amount. As a donor, you will receive a Free Arts magnetic bumper sticker and invitations to Free Arts events. You may also claim your monthly contributions as a Foster Care Tax Credit, if qualified, and know that you are truly making a difference for thousands of children every day.
BECOME a Free Arts Seeds of Hope Monthly Donor today!