
Best Practices
By: Jessica Flowers, Program Director Free Arts for Abused Children of Arizona exists to transform children’s trauma to resilience.  Trauma, including abuse, neglect, and homelessness can cause major changes to the brains and bodies of developing children. Damaging effects can include behavioral and mental challenges, chronic disease, and early death.  Resilience, in its simplest definition,...
By Michael Jung, Volunteer Mentor You want to volunteer for an organization. You’ve heard all about the benefits of volunteering. How it boosts your self-esteem and improves your health. How you can make friends and network. How you can learn new skills that will help you personally and professionally. But how do you decide which volunteer organization...
By: Jessica Flowers, Free Arts Program Director In 2007, I was hired to coordinate the Weekly Mentor Program at Free Arts.  As a part of my training, I led my own weekly mentor group and visited countless mentors to observe their programs and offer feedback. I ran this program for six years, wrote project curriculum,...
Set expectations: Many children (and people in general) have “creativity scars” and need to practice silencing the part of their brains that want to be “perfect” in their art making.  Creating expectations upfront that include things like “be brave”, “encourage others” and, Free Arts’ favorite, “there are no mistakes in art” help children feel safe to...