
The end of the calendar year, with its busyness related to work, school, and upcoming holidays, often provokes mixed emotions in people. For the children, teens, and families that Free Arts serves, this time of year can surface their ongoing feelings regarding change, loneliness, and loss.
As I write this, the calendar tells me it is the second day of fall. In the Phoenix area, that means that we are starting to feel a brisk breeze in the 90s (that is some Arizona weather humor for those outside of the area). As the seasons change, it feels natural to reflect on...
On Saturday, April 20th, Free Arts hosted its 2024 Inspiring Creativity in Mentoring Symposium in partnership with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Arizona, Gabriel’s Angels, and New Pathways for Youth.
Hello, friends! Vice President of Programs, Matt Sandoval, here. I wanted to share an update on the progress of the Canvas of the Heart podcast for Free Arts. I’m happy to report that we have successfully completed the podcast’s first season! Throughout the summer, we were able to feature a diverse group of guests who...
The Free Arts annual Art from the Heart Auction, chaired by Liz Shabaker and Lisa Portigal, and Honorary Chair, Cheryl Londen took place on October 22nd at the beautiful home of Cheryl Londen with over 120 in attendance.
From left-to-right: Jenna (Clinical Director), Matt (Vice President of Programs) and Danielle (Program Director) What better way to start the 2023 Fiscal Year with new staff in leadership roles! Free Arts looked for qualified candidates to help achieve our strategic 10-year vision for the organization. We are happy to have them join our team in...
would like to introduce the new staff on the block here at Free Arts at Parsons Place. We did an onboarding process to expand our Operations and Programs Departments. We continue to build resilience by growing from 18 employees at the start of Fiscal Year 2022 now to a current staff of 23!
The first Transformation Celebration was on Friday, January 28, 2022. Some attendees were neighbors in the area who had watched the construction project and wanted to learn more.
When the new fiscal year of Free Arts started in October of 2021, we had new faces join our staff and board during that first quarter. We would like to introduce you to the new staff and board members that are now part of the Free Arts team. Welcome to Free Arts, Jocelyn, Coree, and...
Over the summer, Free Arts added a new staff member, and a new board member to our team.
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