Having a creative outlet can help with feelings of overwhelm, stress, or the feeling of burnout. We like to spend time doing intentional art activities to help incorporate creativity breaks into our day.
A fun, intentional art activity that can be done by the whole family is Illustrated Names. This project comes from the Free Arts Weekly Mentor Program curriculum. This activity only requires a few items such as paper, colored pencils, and markers or any drawing materials you have at home. This activity is a great form of self-expression and unique to each person.

Step 1: Brainstorm on the back of your paper and list some of your interests – i.e. favorite foods, sports, hobbies, music, art, pets, etc.
Step 2: Create another list of how to write the letters in your name (capitals, lower case, cursive, etc.)
Step 3: Turn the paper over and start inventing your illustrated name. Each letter could represent different interests and facts about you, or all the letters could be one theme.
Step 4: Bring your illustrated name to life by adding color with colored pencils, markers, or crayons.
Step 5: Share the finished illustration with your family and see how everyone expressed themselves with their name!